Alibaba Minisite

Gone are the days when businesspersons use to keep the business directory to find the seller details for contacting the seller to meet their requirements. Internet revaluation has changed the ways to business and open door to reach the global market just in few clicks and internet has made business to reach under one roof and showcase their services/Products in domestic as well as in international market. Helps Indian Exports. is the most popular B2B Site in the world which having millions of active buyer and seller on which makes that one of the most popular and trusted B2B site in world. has got millions of register buyer from all-round the world and keep increasing on daily basis. From India also thousands of sellers have achieved milestone of success in exports business because of


 Alibaba Minisite 2.0 Now

If you are an Alibaba Gold Supplier and want to create a unique global Presence with their Products/Services branding through, Design your Alibaba Minisite 2.0 and get benefits of huge traffic coming on this portal  by  creating a unique design of their Alibaba Minisite and Which helps them placing your site above your competitors.

Alibaba Minisite 2.0 Now Design Benefits include:

Alibaba is a comprehensive B2B Business site where buyer and seller meet each other through listing their products and services. This way any seller and buyer connect each other in respective of any part of world.

The important features of Alibaba minisite cannot be ignored, while you focus global/regional promotion. Some of the advantages are explored as below: -

Minisite Layout design becomes more attractive, with creative background, style and colors. It gives option for effective placement of products in different categories and in navigation bar to display on first page with all possible features. The layout offers customer friendly presentation of your products.

It is like a storefront looks which helps to attract more customers and improves the buyer’s experience.

Alibaba Minisite is and innovative concept which helps to create unique identity of your company with customize way to Showcase their products/services.

Minisite Design helps to attract more business inquiry from worldwide buyers and improves the possibility of conversion of inquiry into sales.

Alibaba Minisite design gives you competitive advantages and shows your commitment towards the business. Give blow to the competition by Showcasing products with Alibaba Minisite.